The Grey Bruce Health Unit is renewing its call for all those that are eligible to be tested for COVID-19

Source: Grey Bruce Health
Date: Wed Apr 29 05:31:52 MST 2020

Testing is a priority for older adults, vulnerable and high risk populations. This includes:

All residents and staff of long-term care, assisted living and retirement homes.
Anyone living on First Nations reserves with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms
Those have the following medical conditions, and any new or worsening respiratory symptoms:
Heart disease
Lung disease
Kidney disease
Immunocompromised, including HIV, autoimmune diseases, and those taking Immunomodulation medication
Transplant recipients or donors
Those who are on dialysis
Those who have cancer
All those living in or working with those living in congregate or shared settings such as shelters, group homes, women’s shelters, Community Living, etc., and who have any new or worsening respiratory symptoms
All First responders (paramedics, fire and police), and persons in same household with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms
Healthcare workers with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms, regardless of work setting
This includes home care workers or others caregivers who go into the home
This includes staff and volunteers in hospitals, long-term care and retirement homes who do not have direct contact with residents
All essential workers, with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms, in line with the current provincial list of workers as identified at:
Workers living in Ontario, with any new or worsening respiratory symptoms, who cross the Canadian border for work.
Of note, travel history is no longer a criteria for testing.

Those listed above will be able to get swabbed at any of the assessment centres in Grey Bruce. Some primary care providers also provide swabbing; individuals should contact their primary health care provider to inquire if they require testing and where to access a test. Testing of individuals with no symptoms is generally not recommended.

Results for those tested for COVID-19 are available through a provincial online portal found at . You will need a photo health card and personal details to log in. To allow for processing, check the online portal about 5 days after the test swab has been taken.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit will continue to contact all those whose results indicate positive. Further direction for self-isolation will be provided and contact tracing will be required of those individuals.

Individuals who test negative will not be contacted directly. Test results are likely to take around 5 days to be processed by the lab, after which the result is posted online and the result sent to the Grey Bruce Health Unit. Those who do not have access to the online portal should wait about 5 days after the test swab has been taken and then call the Grey Bruce Health Unit at 1-800-263-3456 ext 3000.

Assessment Centres
Grey Bruce Health Services – Owen Sound Regional Hospital
Location: Portable facility just outside the entrance to the Owen Sound Hospital Emergency Department
Hours of Operation: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 7 days per week

Please Note: If driving to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre at the GBHS Owen Sound Hospital, staff will ask for your cell number before you get out of your car. You can remain in your car until you get a text to enter the Centre.

South Bruce Grey Health Centre – Kincardine Hospital
Location: Portable facility located between hospital and medical clinic
Hours of Operation: 12:00 – 4:00 PM, 7 days per week

Hanover & District Hospital
Location: Use Respiratory Clinic separate entrance (marked) next to the Emergency Department entrance.
Beginning April 27, 2020: 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM, 7 days per week.

For More Information:
Dr. Ian Arra
Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer
To arrange to speak with Dr. Arra, please contact Drew Ferguson at:
519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 ext. 1269

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